Fine Print
ChainDrive Motorsports LLC offers no warranties, either express or implied, for any products or services provided by ChainDrive Motorsports LLC. All products are sold as-is, including all flaws. There is no warranty expressed or implied as to whether the goods sold hereby will protect purchaser or ultimate user of such goods from damage, loss, injury or death.
Racing is a dangerous activity. The user assumes all risk and and responsibility in connection with determining the suitability and safety of the product and it's intended use.
Manufacturer’s Warranties
Manufacturer warranty claims should be arranged directly with the manufacturer. ChainDrive Motorsports LLC is not responsible for manufacturing defects and will not act as a third party on warranty claims.
Prices are subject to change without notice or further obligation. ChainDrive Motorsports LLC will not assume any liability for any errors with regards to pricing, descriptions, part numbers or applications.